Month: January 2013

Forest Drawing

The planning of the urban green areas part of a definition of resources, the areas of public order is managed with resources that sobram of other activities, considered as more important. even though exists parks and areas that no resource does not receive, therefore does not have no type of infrastructure to receive and to attract the population to its return, this occurs mainly in the parks that are located in peripheral areas, where the use of these areas would be crucial for the integration of populao.6. Consideraes finaisEm disappears, what it is happening with the public green areas, is that they are always reducing its resources or being managed with the remaining portions of other ramifications of the government, while it increases the necessities created for the urban expansion. Associated to the questions above it is the lack of efficient public politics in the urbanstico field that could to prevent the problems that occur today in the great cities. It is in this direction that even so all the cities present green areas where the population can have moments of leisure and contact with the nature, few have these spaces of organized form, in way that do not pass of spaces without function in the urban one. At last, the planning lack is a problem in the development of our cities, mainly being about the green areas that generally are in second plain, when not abandoning.

The results are the permanent and increasing deficiencies of these areas that a so important and crucial purpose for the population and the urban space has. Bibliographical references: CARLOS, Ana Fani Alessandri. The City. 8.ed. So Paulo: Context, 2005.MACEDO, Silvio Soares.

Picture of the Paisagismo in Brazil. 1. ed. So Paulo: Quap, 1999. __. Urban areas: Concepts and Definitions. Available in: . Had access in 25 of August of 2007. __. Urban forestry – the Forest Drawing of the City. Available in: . Had access in 27 of August of 2007. 1 year as Student of the course of Licenciatura in Geography in the Bandeirante University of So Paulo. Teacher of geography of the pblico education of the state of So Paulo.


Reflections of the Companion FIDEL: If I were Venezuelan Morning it is an important day for Venezuela. The elections are announced to choose to 165 members of the Parliament, and around the important event an historical battle gets rid. But simultaneously, the news on the weather conditions are unfavorable. Strong rains are whipping to the Earth that was the cradle of the Liberator. Excessive rains affect the poor men more than to anybody. They are those that have the most modest houses, live more in the forgotten districts historically, with difficult access, bad streets and less transit. When the waters invade their homes, they lose all it. They do not have the comfortable and safe houses of the rich ones, their ample avenues and abundant means of transport.

One is not a presidential election. In the exclusively parliamentary ones, the population mobilizes little and usually reduces importance to him. Generally, where imperialism dominates and the opportunistic oligarchy receives a substantial part of the national goods and services, the masses do not have anything to win or to lose and, to the empire, it does not worry bledo the elections to him. In the United States, not even the presidential elections mobilize more of 50% of which they must right to vote. Why however, their enormous mediatic resources turn upside down this time against Venezuela and they put under an implacable bombing of lies and calumnies against the Government Revolutionary Bolivariano? I will not try to accumulate arguments to persuade to a brave and worthy town like the one of Venezuela. I have seen the popular mobilizations and the fervor of million people, especially of the humblest and combative people, who have had the privilege to live a new stage in history on her country, and has given back to the town the fabulous resources of Venezuela.

Its Mother country is already not a nation of illiterates, where million men, women and children survived in the extreme poverty. I will not speak to them of a experience that Cuba lived, of which the blockade and the repugnant crimes of the Government of the United States speak to 50 years of heroic resistance against. I say simply to them what would make if Venezuelan outside. Me it would face rains, and it would not allow that the empire removed from them benefit some; it would fight next to neighbors and relatives to protect to people and goods, but it would not stop going to vote as to have sacred: to the hour that is, before it rains, when it rains, or after it rains, while there is an open school. These elections have an enormous importance and it knows it to the empire: it wants to reduce force to him to the Revolution, to limit its capacity of fight, to deprive it of the two third parts of the National Assembly to facilitate its contrarrevolucionarios plans, to increase its vile mediatic campaign and to continue surrounding to Venezuela of military bases, surrounding it more and more with the lethal arms of the international drug trafficking and the violence. If errors exist, it would never resign to the opportunity that the Revolution offers to rectify and to overcome obstacles. If I were Venezuelan, still under rays and flashes, she would fight until the impossible thing to turn the 26 of September into a great victory.

Ibope Data

In buscapreliminar the heading and the summary of the article had been considered, for election amplade possible works of interest. After this bibliographical survey, became fullfilled exploratria umaleitura of the joined material. With this reading, it was to possvelobter a global vision of the material, considering, of interest or not pesquisa. – In the sequence, a selective reading was carried through, that to permitiudeterminar which bibliographical material really was of the interest of the research. Considering the great found article number, optamospor to restrict the analysis to the texts using the criterion: presence of nmeroexpressivo of publications relative to the thematic one in question. The articles had been placed in sequence chronological, sendofeitos: the recognition with approach in the following aspects that had composed umaficha bibliographical: data of identification of the article, heading, doperidico name, volume, number and year of publication and data of dopesquisador identification; the analysis of the article: apprehension of the conceptions concerning the thematic one, effective ambient awareness practical X, that is thoughts concerning comose of this process of assimilation of information related to the global problemticaambiental and what he has been made of form practical to minimize seusefeitos on the part of the common citizen, as for example: Which the level deconhecimento of this with regard to question of the water scarcity candy in the world, disordered aexplorao of the natural resources and what this makes to revert to ouminimizar this reality. A integrativa synthesis was carried through searching evidnciasrelacionadas to the problematic one, analyzing them in systematic way and formacrtica, integrating articles read in its differences and semelhanas' ' conceituais' '. During the process of analysis and basic synthesis integrativafoi to establish a relation opened in the text, being allowed that it serevelasse in its intentions, being essential the dilogopesquisador-text-context. Analyzing the data gotten in the research of the Justinian codes dePesquisa Ibope and Brazilian Instituto of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE), proved a dissonncia between speech (knowledge) and action (practical).
