The planning of the urban green areas part of a definition of resources, the areas of public order is managed with resources that sobram of other activities, considered as more important. even though exists parks and areas that no resource does not receive, therefore does not have no type of infrastructure to receive and to attract the population to its return, this occurs mainly in the parks that are located in peripheral areas, where the use of these areas would be crucial for the integration of populao.6. Consideraes finaisEm disappears, what it is happening with the public green areas, is that they are always reducing its resources or being managed with the remaining portions of other ramifications of the government, while it increases the necessities created for the urban expansion. Associated to the questions above it is the lack of efficient public politics in the urbanstico field that could to prevent the problems that occur today in the great cities. It is in this direction that even so all the cities present green areas where the population can have moments of leisure and contact with the nature, few have these spaces of organized form, in way that do not pass of spaces without function in the urban one. At last, the planning lack is a problem in the development of our cities, mainly being about the green areas that generally are in second plain, when not abandoning.
The results are the permanent and increasing deficiencies of these areas that a so important and crucial purpose for the population and the urban space has. Bibliographical references: CARLOS, Ana Fani Alessandri. The City. 8.ed. So Paulo: Context, 2005.MACEDO, Silvio Soares.
Picture of the Paisagismo in Brazil. 1. ed. So Paulo: Quap, 1999. __. Urban areas: Concepts and Definitions. Available in: . Had access in 25 of August of 2007. __. Urban forestry – the Forest Drawing of the City. Available in: . Had access in 27 of August of 2007. 1 year as Student of the course of Licenciatura in Geography in the Bandeirante University of So Paulo. Teacher of geography of the pblico education of the state of So Paulo.