Copper deficiency in humans (the best content in the range 70-80 mg) causes the development of microcytic normochromic anemia, rahitopodobnyh syndrome, dental caries, diabetes mellitus. Excessive intake of copper in the body leads to the deposition of the tissues (Wilson disease). About its lack in the diet animals speak poor appetite, decreased body weight gain, general underdevelopment, taste perversion ("lizuha"), and anemia. The coat is discolored, especially around the eyes (graying hair), hair is tough, hang tatters, dim. Animals suffer from persistent diarrhea. Cows are often temporary sterility occurs (due to suppression of estrus and fertility reduction), and sometimes – paralysis of the hind limbs. The yields are falling. Manganese.
Antioxidant, is important for the decay products of amino acids and energy for the metabolism of vitamin B-1 and E activates various enzymes for digestion and utilization of nutrients, catalyzes the breakdown fat and cholesterol. Participates in the normal development of the skeleton, supports the production of sex hormones. Results in the body contains 10-20 g of Mn. Daily requirement: 3-5 mg. The disadvantage of this element causes a variety of symptoms and, in Depending on the species, has an impact on reproduction. In birds, pigs, it causes degeneration of the testes, the violation of the estrous cycle, reduced lactation, fetal resorption, the development of bone disease. At low manganese concentration in the cows reproductive functions are broken (irregular estrus, pereguly), reduced fertility, the fruits may resorption and abortion. Milk yield and fat content of milk and often down. Manganese can be added to food in the form of manganese sulfate (best option), manganese oxide (worst case) or organic compounds.