Agrotechnical Measures
December 19, 2020
At highly contaminated sites in the next 2-3 years sow peas, beans and other crops are less prone to damage wireworms. Autumn after tillage and harvesting of crop residues can be decomposed into section beams of straw, and in the spring to gather them together with wireworms and . Particular attention should be paid to combating Medvedkov. Trapping with manure (preferably horse) depth of 60-80 cm lay in the autumn. In them at wintering insects collected. In a cold manure thrown out of the pits and a thin layer spread over the site. From low temperatures chirruping die. In late May and throughout June aisle 2-3 loosened to a depth of 10-15 cm in this eggs and larvae of pests are killed almost completely.
You can also lay out in early May at the site of a handful of small primanochnye of fresh manure, which chirruping creep device burrows and lay their eggs. 25-30 days of a handful of browsing, medvedok eggs and burnt. Some growers, amateur fighting pests, applying the mixture of water and kerosene (100 g per 1 liter of water). Autumn in every hole they poured 30 g of the mixture. Other puts among vegetable crops in site green alder branch at a distance of 1,5 m, replacing them from time to time fresh.
Insect repellent sow hemp. To protect the greenhouses of the pest, along parubney digging grooves and they poured naphthalene or sand moistened with kerosene. Against slugs give the bait a good effect of the crusts of watermelons, melons, pumpkins, squash and burdock. They are laid out in the aisle in the evening, slugs choose from them at dawn. Slugs are caught as well arranging cover, in which pests are collected during the day, which on the paths between beds, vegetables laid out among the old wet sacks, matting, pieces of plywood, boards, leaves, noodle and cabbage. A few days later in the evening collect and destroy pests. In the fight against slugs are also effective isolation of vegetable crops and processing them slaked lime, superphosphate, or mustard. These drugs are poured on the border of the garden in 2-3 lines at a distance of 15 cm (30 g per 1 running. m). You can also spray the soil with an aqueous suspension of mustard (100 grams of powder per 10 liters of water) or pollinating superphosphate (30-40 g per 1 m2), or slaked lime (30 g), or a mixture of lime and tobacco dust (20-25 g) . Fertilizer and slurry loosening the soil increase the endurance of plants to damage by pests. A good way to increase endurance to damage cabbage cabbage fly is hilling of plants, especially after watering and fertilizing that promotes the formation of additional roots. One effective way of reducing the damage of summer cabbage cabbage fly is transplanting cabbages in the garden in early May.