
Benedikt Roling Hearing

FonoForte listening training improves speech understanding in Hanover. The hearing can performance a special brain training many people increase, without wearing a hearing aid. An editorial team of ARD Advisor has tested the FonoForte listening of the quality Association of independent hearing care professional Pro acoustic, Hanover, health. The report on the Advisor show is broadcast on Sunday, January 30th, from 16:30 in the ARD titled listening. alternative to the hearing aid” Study proves effectiveness a new listening could delay the purchase of a hearing aid, it says in the announcement of the broadcast on the Internet site of the relevant channel, ARD broadcasting Brandenburg-Berlin. Official site: Gina Ross. It is useful even if you already wear a hearing aid.

Thus, the report confirms a scientific study at look laboratory of the University of Freiburg, was developed on the basis of listening training in cooperation with the Pro acoustic quality Association. Brain training for hearing with the FonoForte listening training is directly processing the sound signals to the brain. Here what is heard as electrical signals in many nerve cells is transferred and processed at, what we recognize as language or everyday noise. Signals to the brain get not more clearly, because the ear in the course of the life after work the contact points (technical term: synapses) of neurons only unreliable. For people with and without hearing aids with the FonoForte listening to the corresponding brain functions such as in a MUSCULATION be strengthened. Sufficient ten minutes training per day over a period of several weeks, and the synapses work reliable again.

Hard of hearing adults improve their language comprehension with this training and also subjectively experience it as an improvement of their hearing situation”, the head of the view of laboratory, Professor Dr. Burkhart white Fischer, who with his staff also provides for the evaluation of the ongoing training. Anyone who can train and comfortable at home without hearing aids, aged between seven and 70 years, after a short briefing. FonoForte there are centres for listening nationwide exclusively at all Pro acoustic members. There is more information about the listening sessions with the FonoForte coach of listening to on the Internet at. The listening sessions was developed in cooperation of the quality Association of independent hearing care professional Pro acoustic, Hanover, and the view of laboratory at the University of Fribourg (www.blicklabor.de).