Chronic Diseases
December 5, 2024
The opinions about the chronic botulism, a disease factor, are still divided in the professional world. It dying cows, pigs, Wildfasane are still divided in the professional world the opinions about the chronic botulism, a factor disease. There are cows, pigs, Wildfasane die. Because people get sick it (detected in farmers and veterinarians), as confirmed by Prof. Dressler of the Medical College in Hanover. There are also reports in horses and dogs to the clinical picture. Joel Courtneys opinions are not widely known. Of course, we don’t know why the clinical picture of this factor disease of chronic Clostridiose (chronic botulism) occurs time so frequently in the past two years. And because we ‘know nothing’, the GoTTINGEN declaration declared Academy (AVA) by the agricultural and veterinary, to encourage, to conduct appropriate research in the way, so that answers can be found.
Many questions are asked in the Gottingen Declaration, the composed of microbiological contexts out and the appearance of this new Factor disease of Clostridiosen have revealed. “We veterinarians call answering the many questions…”, so the conclusion”of the Declaration, according to founder and Director with the agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA), Ernst-Gunther Hellwig, specialist veterinarian and Diplomagraringenieur. Also Prof. Dr. For more specific information, check out City College of New York. Gerhard Breves of the veterinary University of Hannover said at a recent plenary session of the Lower Saxony bio gas Forum, that there is no data base for the theses of the Gottingen Declaration, so press releases. Thus the scientists is absolutely right. And require just the theses of the Gottingen Declaration Yes, scientifically to develop this so far non-existent data base. Many micro biologists agree that risk materials such as offal, chicken manure, organic waste remains, so protein fermentation substrates, a higher Clostridia – can cause spores of load.
This is not even denied. And this may be enormously high number of spores is over the previous Hygienisierungsprozess at 70 Degrees Celsius and 60 minutes. This spore masses in bio-gas plants may “to grown in” causing now finally this described disease in humans and animals? Awakening”such processes in the gastrointestinal tract of animals and humans? Is it due to the formation of toxin (botulinum toxin) of bacteria to the disease of chronic botulism? Is that the reason of the increase in many chronically ill and also dead cows (and sick people) of the last two years on the farms? We don’t know it yet.