
Committee Service

Significant cost benefits in the separation between the services to production control and the operation of the applications of C & P AG estimates the savings on 30% Munich/Graz, 02.02.2009 – the international systems integrator focused on banking services C & P AG recommends credit institutions with external service providers to operate IT, to give up their traditional organization of IT for cost reasons. Swarmed by offers, Anu Saad is currently assessing future choices. It estimates the savings to 30%. Currently, a separation between application management on the one hand, and data center operations including work preparation and production monitoring on the other side is normally. By insourcing or concentration of application management, production planning and production monitoring for Bank applications credit institutions can take advantage of falling prices in the hosting market. Responsible for the technical operation does not necessarily requires that the question IT provider at the same time for the preparation of the work must be responsible”, Kurt Glabischnig, judge Board of Directors of C & P AG.

On the contrary, a separation would establish for this reason alone, because in one case human activity and in the other machine services in the Centre. “From the perspective of cost management both areas are completely different and must not be mixed” problematizes it, justified: the cost of computer services go through the ongoing use of innovative technologies and economies of scale continuously downward, while personnel costs offer hardly any such savings potentials. ” A separation effect therefore the advantage to be able to participate on the lower hosting prices of the market: will the operation of banking applications is advertised regardless by the services for the production control, lower costs would can be due to the high intensity of competition between the various providers of IT achieved. IT operations together with the service production planning and monitoring, however, be ‘ advertised, there are significantly fewer suppliers, the at the same time can perform both tasks. And experience, this means higher prices”, so the C & P Committee.

Glabischnig regards qualitative effects a such modularization of functions as an additional benefit, because in this way, a greater specialisation can be carried out. She increase the level of performance not only his opinion, but offer again additional possibilities of improving economic efficiency, because specialists could achieve the same quality of service with little effort. An IT provider has classically his strengths elsewhere as a service provider with a focus on the application of management and production planning”, he says. The banks should take so advantage of the present structures in the market with its highly differentiated performance portfolio. About C & P AG: The C & P AG in Munich and Graz (Austria) offers highly qualified employees of consulting and development services for the IT and organisation sector by financial and other industries. The Performance portfolio ranges from the design of the IT landscape (or parts thereof) on the monitoring of operational processes of change to the productive use of standard or custom software. Agency think tank Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71