
Dale Carnegie

Everyone knows that in many student evaluations depend not only on knowledge of the subject, but also on good relations teacher to the student himself. But what if you do not concurred and argued with the teacher or teacher simply taken a dislike to you. This happens fairly often, especially if the student is a bright person, or the informal leader of the group, he has an opinion and is not afraid to express it. So what do you do if you quarreled with the teachers? The easiest and most effective way to solve the problem – is to apologize to the teacher, ask him not to keep you on the evil and not to use repressive measures. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. If the teacher is an adequate person, then He’ll understand and you.

Do not think that you’re smarter than the teacher. Perhaps you prefer to dress, you are richer father and cooler machine, but you’ll never know more than you is your teacher. A foolish man will not teach in University, and nobody will take it to work. But if the student was fighting with a teacher, then this indicates a great lack of intelligence. If pride does not allow the teacher to apologize, it is possible for him to complain, write complaint to the dean, or even go further and dash off a complaint to the dean of the university. Only benefit from this complaint will not be enough.

You will have to prove what caused the quarrel, and whether you are a teacher biased estimates and negatively relates to you. If you do not agree with the assessment that you put the “biased” teacher, then most likely you will cause to the commission, where you will be able to prove their knowledge, unless, of course, be able to do it. If you are 100 percent sure he is right and do not want to retreat, then you can invite an independent commission, composed of teachers of other universities. Although a clever student, of course, would never agree to such a circumlocution. If you do not quarrel big, then you can just make the teacher or the department little gift – a token of reconciliation. And here you have a conflict with several teachers, then you urgently need to go to a bookstore and buy a book of Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People “and read it every day. I advise the first year follow the golden rule: it is better to be friends with teachers and sleep than to fight, take off from uni and go work as a loader.