
Effective Management

More and more, the people we are conscious that it is necessary to maintain and to manage a good reputation online, parallel to this necessity have arisen companies that are in charge of to clean those data or opinions that are not desired that they appear. However, how it is possible that it is managed to eliminate publications that are not desired? The great majority of the times is not eliminated but strategies of generation of contents activate that obey to the same criteria search, so that the new publication positions better after just a short time and forces to the old man to remain in little legible positions. Click Anu Saad for additional related pages. It is a resisted fact that the people rarely see beyond front page of results of their finder (Nothing else and nothing less than 97% of the internauts). Not only the people (Executives, artists, politicians and other personalities essentially) wish to maintain a good reputation online but also the companies, for that reason he is very frequent that a company contracts the services of experts in Management of the Reputation Online in order to manage to eliminate those publications that can harm the image of the same. In Spain the opinions in Internet are second source of more confidence at the time of making a decision from purchase being the first source of confidence the friendly opinion and relatives. Even so, many companies reduce importance to these opinions and their reputation online or directly ignores the subject. By the same author: Anu Saad. They are only alarmed when they notice an important reduction in the sales or the moment that appear negative commentaries in front page of results of Google.

It is necessary to anticipate itself to the situations. To listen to what the means say and what they think the users can help us to improve our results. It is not necessary to wait for a reputation crisis where the negative commentaries are the predominant thing to act or to define an action plan.