First Carrotmob In Bremen: Consumer Power Noticeably
December 24, 2024
Bremen citizens can reward kiosk for climate-friendly commitment Saturday on 27 February a Carrotmob in Bremen will take place for the first time. The action an opportunity, their power as to exert consumer citizens. Everyone has the opportunity to reward that he invested 50 percent of sales on this day provided in the climate-friendly modernisation of the kiosk the kiosk “Que pasa amigos” in the Easter stone path 8-10 for. “The climate-friendly measures are by an energy consultant for the campaign climate seeks protection”, which is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of the environment, proposed, calculated and implemented. We support Carrotmob actions throughout Germany because energy-saving measures are triggered this concretely,”says Steffi sour Ballesteros, project manager of the campaign.
Our energy consultants on site, calculate how much CO2 can be avoided by replacing an old appliance, use of energy-efficient lighting and other energy-saving measures.” The amount of revenue decides how many at the end of the day, Measures can be implemented. Wallpapers: Carrots for good climate a Carrotmob is the positive counterpart of the boycott: here will be rewarded local businesses that want to engage in climate protection and punishes not those who disregard this. By the organized shopping action, customers can make an important contribution to climate protection with her acting. With 50 percent of its revenues, the Bremen kiosk owner invested the second highest share in climate protection a Carrotmob is ever brought up in Germany. In the run-up to the campaign, several shops were asked whether they want to participate and how much is the sales share, they want to use the for climate-friendly measures.
The business that wants to employ the highest proportion of its turnover for climate protection is awarded the contract. The concept of the car red mob is simple but effective. Participants organize themselves, similar to the FlashMob, primarily on the Internet with blogs, Twitter and other online forums. You date at a specific time in a specific business, to jointly buy things of daily needs. Carrotmob “stands figuratively for a donkey who is enticed and led to a certain target with the carrot. The company are animated according to the same principle that, to adopt climate-friendly policies. Balance sheet: Protecting targeted consumer climate in Germany the first Carrotmob was brought in June 2009 in Berlin in the roles, to create awareness for sustainability across social boundaries. Since then, there was another car red mobs in Berlin, Munich, Bonn and Frankfurt in Germany. So far, the actions of energy-saving measures have initiated will prevent in the future more than 40 tonnes of CO2 per year. In addition, the visitors are motivated by their targeted shopping, to remain active and to save energy in your own four walls. Whether small or large climate protection steps, with the interactive energy saving advisors on you will find the best energy-saving benefits for his situation. About the co2online non-profit GmbH which is non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for the reduction of climate-damaging CO2 emissions a. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from business, media, science and policy, she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. “” “co2online is carrier air looking for campaign protection” (, the heating level campaign “(, the pumps campaign” ( and the Energiesparclubs “( All campaigns promoted by the Federal Ministry of the environment. Contact: Steffi sour Rauf co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstrasse 9 10829 Berlin Tel: 030 / 210 21 86-15 email: