God Health
June 28, 2012
Chapter 2 Plus a signal of God: the health plan and now? A confirmed pregnancy, a necessity of prenatal, a possible cesariana, a wage not very good and no plan of health. At that time I needed to work until at night, in another place, to complement my wage and time for my family did not sobrava. Exactly thus, what I earned I did not give to supply nor the basic things of the house. E, exactly that the wage was good, did not know no plan that did not demand lack for the surgery. But, ' ' coincidentemente' ' in this exactly month one the place where I worked of day firmed an accord with a health plan. E, optimum, without lack none, nor for surgery or childbirth, and with a very low discounting in payment leaf. It was a proposal so good that I chose my plan with right the apartment.
The prenatal one was guaranteed. It noticed ' ' coincidentemente' ' between quotations marks? It is because with God the coincidence does not exist. It provided optimum plan for my family. Good, as the plan of health still was confirmed, but with the still in progress documentation, we look a doctor to make the first ultrasound. A friend of my wife indicated one. When vi the embryo of my son in the screen of the monitor I was very moved. I needed to contain itself firming the feet in the soil, for not ' ' to pay mico' ' to jump of the place where it was, to grasp and to full of kisses the monitor. When hearing the sound of the heart, I scared myself with the racket and I was glad myself at the same time: my son was well.
He only had one two centimeters, but he was well. After this, with all the expectations of a newness of these in the life, our routine started to move. A new and very good thing after all happened. Suddenly, a baby! My wife started if to imagine in shopping making purchases for the baby, showing the barrigo.