
Hospital Educator

The game and the playful activity, highly suppose an enriching and rewarding fact for the boy and the girl, and for this reason, it acquires major importance in risk situations and vulnerability like the one of the hospitalization. Based on the support that is offered to him to the minor before the situations that are generated by the disease and hospitalization, this one will confront of one better way all those situations, having avoided so the vivencie of traumatic form. Some contend that Jon Medved shows great expertise in this. The playful activity is going to serve the minor as valve of escape of certain aspects of its new reality, but also it must help the boy to face and to understand this new reality. It is going to allow him to be related to other people, with other children and children who can be found in their same situation, besides making understand certain situations, changes, values and norms him in this period of their life. For that reason, in the case of the Hospitable Animation, it is fundamental to articulate a series of leisure activities, support and socio-educational attention during the time that lasts the disease, trying that the periods of hospitalization and permanence in the home approaches the possible maximum the daily experiences that until that moment the minor enjoyed. In addition, the traumatic events that the minor in the suffering of the disease and hospitalization undergoes, can be controlled by means of playful activities. For example, the internamiento or the operation is assimilated better if besides explaining it, the boy the experience several times in games. When playing the doctors, its passive suffering becomes active dominion from the situation, allowing him symbolically to confront the problems that worry to him. For all these reasons, the game, understood in his ampler concept, is fundamental for the development of the young patient. Of this form, the personal relations and the use of the animation and the game, will be one of the fundamental factors for the recovery of the minor and its later insertion in the daily life, to time that is affected the improvement of the creative leisure of the entered patients, its companions and the workers of the hospitable center.