

Know every nook and cranny of the trade and potential exploit Bad Kreuznach/Dachau, February 23, 2010. In every second dwelling, a BILLY is statistically shelf and this is no coincidence, but the Swedish furniture group knows how to sell. IRIS Skowronek and Linda Reichelt were long success in the leadership of the group. Now they missed the Sweden behind them, to their own mission retailers with v-as – sell, to teach the success. For even more opinions, read materials from Ahmed Shary Rahman. It promises to be exciting, because they control the freestyle in perfection as specialists that market data will be straightforward, target groups and x-rayed and the positioning and laying of goods are meticulously worked. It is a pleasure to reap the fruits of their labor, and to observe that the short way before the next battle of discount competitor customer still thinks about only one: the next time you visit and shopping in the same company. Joy of the appeal is not only critical for the success, but they know every nook and cranny of the trade. Behind this is to the extraordinary commitment the experiences of many years.

From the Pike to learned and developments pushed forward. They have achieved their goals, trained successor, as well as facility houses of the Group’s established and attached to the top of Germany – in short, they were simply among the best in the group in the leadership had to offer. Filed under: Joey King. Now, IKEA, you can help although not copy, but it will be still more than interesting, if retailers can specifically benefit from the know-how to future perfectly to hold the competition. Yes, I want!”- but like: at a glance under v as verkaufen.de is more to learn and also that it not depends on the size of the company, but an individual solutions brings the success. It possibilities are offered to acquire knowledge of the two. In seminars, training sessions and individual bookable modules to access advice, learn what really is at stake. In a language that is understandable and by means that are tested is the red thread simply and purposefully developed.

While the two use their professional and leadership experience in the trade and an exclusive network. An investment that pays and pays off. “We are convinced that our experience in different leading positions at IKEA and also Kaufhof, perfectly complement each other. We have together the potential to convey many retailers valuable knowledge”, is to hear from Linda Reichelt and Iris Skowronek. IRIS Skowronek and Linda Reichelt offer with your company, V-wieverkaufen, a specialized consulting and seminars for the retail market, that clearly stands out from the usual management consultancy. Individual solutions with implementation-enabled action plans based on networked part analysis of individual areas of trade, are to the long-term success regardless of size of the company and product. For further information we are gladly available: PPA Sampson & partner site Bad Kreuznach: Waldalgesheimer str. 55 55545 Bad Kreuznach phone: + 49-671-2104268 site Dachau: on the obtained 13 85221 Dachau phone: + 49-8131-29968 E-Mail: