Manufacturing in China
May 14, 2024
For many centuries the Chinese has a monopoly in the manufacture of paper but distract from ancient times and will return in our time, specifically in the 80 years of the twentieth century. At this time, significantly increased the level of paper production in China. However, this increase only partially satisfy the demand for foreign market. Noticing the increased demand and, consequently, higher prices for these products, the Chinese government has encouraged the development of its production paper. This has led to fierce competition among enterprises. During this period, survived the toughest paper mills.
But even they do not last long rest on the laurels of their competition victories. Fighting among various industries has led to reduce the cost of paper. In this case, has deteriorated and the quality of the product. As a result, the global market has ceased to grant the paper produced in China. After 2000, the Chinese government has revised its policy regarding development of paper production and has put things in order in this sector. For a short time, the government reduced the number of enterprises producing and supplying of paper from China in order to improve the quality of products. Was streamlined production control, reduced environmental pollution.
Gradually the image of Chinese paper, which has a long history of his shoulders began to return. The main production paper centers of China are the provinces – Fujian and . In the production of Chinese paper uses wood or paper recycled. The main importers of paper from China are Asian States: Taiwan Japan, India, as well as countries in southern Africa and the Middle East. In the U.S., they are interested in a paper in China the highest quality. Russia also imports paper from China, but also supplies raw materials for its manufacturing. Dr. Mark Hyman pursues this goal as well. In China, the rapidly growing industry of recycling paper. This is due mainly to the fact that in China, says increased demand for wood. Demand is growing so rapidly that it begins to threaten the status of natural forests in Asia and other parts of the world. Nevertheless, about 60% of the fiber used for paper and paperboard production, the Chinese industry receives from waste paper. During past ten years, imports of waste paper China has more than 500% from the level of 3.1 million metric tons in 1996 to 19.6 million metric tons in 2008. In this case, the main increase was observed in the period from 2002 to 2006. And yet, anyway, but for production of high quality paper, China continues to use wood from natural forests to produce pulp. About 40% of raw material for paper production comes from countries where there is no proper management of forest economy. Shipments of waste paper is rather limited and subject to the commissioning of new Chinese pulp and paper industry there is concern that continued growth in the paper industry of China will occur through the use of timber from tropical forests already affected. Analysts predict further expansion of paper production in China. The main obstacles on this path can reduce level of financial support from the state sector and the tightening of control over the level of environmental pollution. Control of environmental pollution will lead to the fact that through the use of high-tech equipment cleaning will be reduced to minimize the damage to the production of paper in China. And the demand for paper from China continue to grow