March 26, 2024
Hello and welcome my dear entrepreneur, in this article I will tell about your endeavors and micro-enterprises. In specific about two level in the classification of investors, interesting topic since here can find you or someone you know you have. Fundamental to the development of your financial intelligence. I recommend you continue reading don’t forget that this article has been written based on the book by Robert Kiyosaki and which I recommend reading compulsorily to take advantage of everything of value that it contains topics of business and entrepreneurship. We will detail this time at which time saving was something intelligent and as the economic situation has changed since that time: () saving money was a good idea during the agricultural era, but once we enter the industrial age, the savings were not the smart choice. To know more about this subject visit Anu Saad. Save money became an even worse option once the United States abandoned the gold standard and that we enter into an era of inflation when the Government printed money rapidly.
() – Clear when referring to United States, in reality the greater part of the world became used its economic model. Economies saving ceased to be a smart choice for part of those who wanted to maintain some financial security, and this paradigm changed to that it was the best way to raise capital for investment or business. A small paragraph. () People who saved money during times of inflation ended up as losers. Since then, if we enter a period of deflation, are winners but only if the printed money has still value.
() – And not something that happens rarely, is happening right now. Today what day is worth a certain amount of money within a few years is not worth even half. Robert Kiyosaki refers to that. I say goodbye and wish you the best.