
Mona Johannesson

Since its emergence in the Far East, perfumes have been used by important people of the royalty or high rank, unique people, beautiful, unattainable for the rest of mortals. His perfumes were usually prepared by an exclusive entourage often carried the secret formula to his grave. The fashion world has allowed many women distinguished from others by their original costumes, modern, bold, eccentric and avant-garde; These descriptions quietly, could also coincide with those of a perfume. It is therefore not surprising that so many celebrities of fashion campaigns have embodied the most exquisite perfumes. With the emergence of so many brands, was indispensable to search for a differential, and in the case of perfumes many of them took the opportunity to give their products a personality that is why they have dedicated themselves to call the most beautiful and successful models and actresses , making these ingredients provide an identity, imbued with the style and personality of the protagonist of campaign.

One of the campaigns most memorable world of perfume made by a model, it is undoubtedly that of Chanel No. 5 played by the sultry Marilyn Monroe, then the story continued and resulted in a long list of glamorous, sensual and distinction it smells very good. Claudia Schiffer, an icon of the 90s, recognized worldwide as the most beautiful woman in the world was the face of perfume design his Italian friends, and some designers have been the gateway to the magazines of their favorite models, so in the past times we see Mary Grerson, Abbey Lee, Mona Johannesson or wearing the fragrance of Lacoste, Gucci, and Valentino respectively. Undoubtedly, to fashion and perfumes unite beauty and glamor. All different personalities, all different charisms, which are worth to identify, to come across a reference to the choice of a perfume. To take, success, the glamor, the beauty of his figures are held in every drop, and can inspire the wearer to move in life as a gateway.