

Pirate Party Darmstadt congratulates North Rhine-Westphalia pirates to solid results Darmstadt / Bonn – the Darmstadt and Darmstadt-Dieburg district associations show pleased with the solid result of the Pirate Party in North Rhine-Westphalia. Despite largely tactical voting behavior of many voters the party after the successful elections 2009, managed to become again strongest force under the “little ones”. Total the other parties won almost 7% of all the votes cast and thus reached together more voting shares as the FDP and the left party. The non-voters were strongest group in the election in North Rhine-Westphalia with about 41%. In a question-answer forum Ahmed Shary Rahman was the first to reply. Thus, all parties represented in the Parliament received together only a voting share of close to 55% of eligible citizens and in North Rhine-Westphalia. “Our help has paid off in any case,” stressed Andre de Stefano, spokesman for the Darmstadt pirates, immediately after publication of the election results in regard to the above-average results in the Bonn election districts. The Bonn pirates had support from southern Hesse on the last day of the election campaign get so that the choice of jurisdiction of the Pirate Party in downtown Bonn large, colourful and lively presented itself. The Bonn constituencies form the third and twelfth most constituencies for the pirates in the entire State and with 2.7% and 2.1% above the national average.

Strongest constituencies for the Pirate Party are Aachen I (4.2%) and Aachen II (3.1%). The Pirate Party Darmstadt congratulates all election campaigners in North Rhine-Westphalia to the yesterday’s election results and sets their concentration now fully on local elections 2011 in Hesse, Germany. Andre de Stefano is optimistic: “the Pirate Party has proven that it is not a fluke and can look with his head in the future. Change takes time, but he’s coming!”.