Petrolina River
November 25, 2024
All the region of the city of Oroc was inhabited primitively for aboriginals, being the propitious territory to the hunting and fishes. The first farm of creation was installed by Mariano Kings for 1912 return. Quirino of the Birth, previously resident in the Bahia, came to live in a place that gave access to the passage of the river San Francisco, in the limits of Pernambuco with the Bahia. The progress of the population gave reason to the creation of a fair, that if carried through in 1915. Great the full one of the river San Francisco, occured in 1919, destroyed the town total.
With the reconstruction of the houses in more distant places of the edge of the river, and in face I occasion of it of registered progress, Quirino of the Birth made donation of the land for the patrimony of the Church of Are Sebastio. Topnimo of the city, of aboriginal origin, means ' ' leguminosa plant and outras' '. Educate yourself with thoughts from who is Ahmed Rahman . In the Dictionary of Tupi de Orlando Boldoni meets the Oroc term as? our plantation, ours roa? , of tupi Oro (ours) and oc (roa, plantation). The administrative formation of Oroc in territorial divisions of 1936 and 1937, presents the district of Oroc in the city of Cabrob. In the settled picture to invigorate in the period de1944-1948, the district of Oroc remained in the city of Cabrob, thus remaining until 1960.Elevado territorial division of to the category of city with the denomination of Oroc, by the law n 4976, of 20-12-1963, was desmembrado of Cabrob, constituted of the district headquarters and installed in 28-02-1964.Em territorial division of 31-12-1963, the city is constituted of the district headquarters, remaining until then. As divulged in the site of the Diocese of Petrolina, year 2009 marks the tricentenrio of publication of the Catecismo Indico of the Kariris Language of authorship of the Bernardine Frei of Nantes, dated of 1709 for the publishing company of Valentim of the Deslandes Coast.