
Reproductive Medicine

School of the expectant mother working in each woman's advice, but may not always have a psychologist. The Clinic of Reproductive Medicine deals with pregnant women experienced a perinatal psychologist. Classes are "Mama's Schools" (Approximately 1-2 times per month) include the testing and training pregnant women in a playful way, through bodily practices, with the help of art therapy. In the first trimester (up to 12-13 weeks) on training from the woman's form adapting to her new condition. Individual or group sessions is an analysis of value orientations. Margaret and Richard Riney may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Women learn to re-prioritize. When the pregnancy will be over 12-13 weeks in the classroom to future help mothers become fully aware of the peculiarities of his condition, get used to the feeling of his own child. For the period from 25 to 40 weeks with the help of a psychologist is preparing itself for childbirth pregnant, there are trainings conscious motherhood.

Finally, after 10-12 sessions: a woman as fully as possible prepared for delivery – not only physiologically but also psychologically. She knows how to behave during labor, paying attention not only to themselves but to condition of the baby, a young mother is preparing to a successful course of the postpartum period. It does not feel any fear, he knows how to behave in one way or another possible situation, as you can with the help yourself independently, appeared baby will not take my mother by surprise – it was aware of the main features of infants, understands the psychology of the newborn, knows his basic needs, and after training for mothers not be a difficulty breast-feeding and care of the baby. Many expectant mothers choose to contact a psychologist just reproductive medicine clinics, as it is in the center of town, to school can be come along with her husband, moreover, at a convenient time – in the evening with 17 or 19 hours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We are waiting for you at Chelyabinsk Ul. Sovetskaya, 38 Tel. 233-38-33, 263-51-19 e-mail: