
Small Businesses

Free security analysis in the TTZ Marburg, organizer is Hesse-IT in collaboration with the ECCN and the EC-M. Hesse-IT offers a free online security check combined with an event and tips and links on the subject of IT security within the framework of a series of events. Microentrepreneurs security often don’t have time for a subject such as IT-. Nevertheless, offers, invoices, customer data and other digital data with low aufwand protect. Even if they are not so often victims of targeted attacks such as corporations, so they are exposed as viruses, Trojans, spyware, “Script– Kiddies” curious or disaffected employees. Therefore the Hessian economic promotion of Hessen has developed Agency an online questionnaire, and others will be presented on the 27.10 in Marburg. The method for risk analysis and management goes back to the European Security Agency ENISA, which commissioned the realization of this project. REGISTRATION microentrepreneurs can register free of charge at.

Some training places are still free! Venue: TTZ – technology and meeting centre of Marburg, room Aiken, software Center 3, 35037 Marburg, 14:00 18:00. Contact for the press: Torsten Lex, HA Hessen Agentur GmbH, innovation / education / media, Tel. 0611-774-8230. In casting: EC-M Advisory Centre of e-commerce Mittelhessen Edgar Reinhardt, Tel. 0641-309 1357 more information also see.

The Advisory Centre of e-commerce Middle Hesse has been working since 1998 success, to promote the development of e-commerce by businesses in Central Hesse. The EC-M supported targeted small and medium-sized enterprises in the region with the introduction of modern information and communication technologies. The necessary information and knowledge often lack small businesses in trade, crafts and industry to assess the benefits of the new media for themselves. As one of 28 knots in the network, e-commerce is the EC-M direct contact, both for the interested entrepreneurs as well for the technology provider. The competent services of the EC-M consists of many basic services that are specifically tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs such as neutral and free initial information, an initial consultation about the possibilities and modalities of the use of the Internet and other networks for business purposes, the presentation of basic and advanced examples of new media in e-commerce companies.