Tag: art

Brooklyn Museum TIPIS

In 1889, the same year that Vincent van Gogh painted starry night, the Hunkpapa Lakoda warrior rain-in-the_Face illustrated a chronicle of his exploits – horse-stealing, was making and even the heroic rescue of a chief’s daughter during a battle with U.S. To deepen your understanding Sydney Sweeney is the source. soldiers – on the liner of his tipi. As the tipi shows that native Americans had architecture as well as art. Read more from Ahmed Shary Rahman to gain a more clear picture of the situation. More than 30 different Plains Indian tribes spread from Texas to Canada used tipis as shelters during much of the 19th century. This portable dwelling is the focus of “tipi: heritage of the Great Plains” at the Brooklyn Museum, which has taken the presumably crowd-pleasing opportunity of erecting several actual tipis as part of the show (the Indians of Brooklyn, and the rest of the northeast, did not use Teepees). Visitors are allowed to one example, which soars 28 feet into the museum’s enter fifth-floor rotunda. It what is constructed around three slender wooden poles, to which others were added, and then a painted canvas (formerly a buffalo-hide covering) what unfurled on top and secured.

The museum commissioned this splendid tipi from Blackfeet artist Lyle J. heavy runner, who owns the design. Traditionally, designs have been passed down from generation to generation, and pictorial imagery is based on visions men experienced during religious ceremonies. This example is called bleeding Buffalo skull. The main red motif can be interpreted as a bleeding buffalo skull or as two men holding pipes or hatchets. The design, which is read from the ground up, has many other elements. The show contains two more full-size giving form to the idea of the evolution of the tipis. One is a replica of a Lakota buffalo-hide Tepee that dates to pre-reservation days, or before 1860 another is from the Southern Cheyenne, dating to 1904, and is filled with beautifully made back rest and painted parfleches (folded, rawhide rectangular container).

Energy Solar

Photovoltaic solar energy photovoltaic effect is a physical process by which the photovoltaic cell converts sunlight into electricity. The solar light is composed of photons.When photons collide with the photovoltaic cell and are absorbed by it, they generate electricity. This happens because the photon energy is transferred to the electron from the atom of the photovoltaic cell (semi conductive material).The photovoltaic cells can be made with different materials and technologies. Some of these technologies, used in most commercial modules, including monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous silicon cells. Using this technology each cell produces a voltage DC about 0.5 volts and a current in DC from 1 to 8, an appreciable amount of cells is required to produce appreciable voltage and power. Photovoltaic cells are interconnected in series in groups ranging from 36 to 72 cells that they produce a voltage circuit open from approximately 20 to 40 volts this set of cells make up a photovoltaic module.

Solar pumps water solar pumps are designed to operate on direct current provided by a PV array. Due to the nature of the solar energy this type of systems have to take advantage of solar power, need to maximize the litres of water pumped per electrical watt consumed. They must also be capable of pumping water during periods of low insolation. There are solar surface and submersible pumps. Surface solar pumps are placed near the source of water, are much more expensive than submersible pumps, pumps low water per day, found in models centrifugal and positive displacement (diaphragm). Submersible pumps are introduced into the water supply, are manufactured in stainless steel, allow you to pump large quantities of water to low-rise, or little amount of water to great heights, for example: a pump centrifugal multi steps can pump 100,000 liters of water a day to 10 meters in height, a pump of positive displacement (helical rotor) can pump 200 meters high 5,000 liters per day.

Christmas Time Is Happy Time – The Lord

Literature and illustrated of Christian Mysticism the Christmas season can mean hustle and bustle, but lead also to the meaning of life. At any other time, the personal belief is challenged so much like for Christmas. What gives us the Christmas celebration in religious respect? What does mean Jesus, his words and his call to prayer? Even today we can touch the familiar Lord’s prayer? The Lord’s prayer for Mystic”by Dr. Ayleen Birgit Hadenfeldt to bring the Jesus prayer as a experience spiritual seekers. The Lord’s prayer is not literally translated, but Mystic contemplative holistic experience. For more specific information, check out Guo Guangchang.

This combines statements made by Jesus to a development path that contains the target. In three cycles as target the Lord’s prayer for Mystic to the way “by forty intuitive color images interpreted. The Lord’s prayer for Mystic”reflects the personal experiences of the author in a universal way. The subtle depth in the words and images can be space for the individuality of the Readers and reader. The divine in man to swing bring the Lord’s prayer for mystic would like to”. The Lord’s prayer for Mystic”appeared in the Second Edition as a hardcover edition with bookmark Ribbon and is therefore also suitable for gifting.

The Lord’s prayer for Mystics of Dr. Ayleen Birgit Hadenfeldt / hardcover: 64 pages / dimensions: 17 cm x 22 cm / pictures: 40 gouache pictures (color) / Publisher: books on demand GmbH / Edition: 2nd Edition April 2008 / ISBN: 9783833409417 / price: 22,90 euro. Dr. Amir Birgit Haajboy

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Traditions in Barcelona: Sardana, Castellers, Sant Jordi In November 2010 was a special and peculiar Catalan tradition in the UNESCO world cultural heritage recorded: the Muixeranga of Castellers. Castells are spectacular human pyramids, which are traditionally built at numerous festivals in Catalonia (Catalan for “castles”). The so-called Castellers soar respectively to the shoulders among them standing, until a certain level is reached (the maximum height is currently 10 levels). The Castells defend itself from 47 nominations by and were declared last November as Weltkulturerber. This candidacy had received the full support of the Government of Catalonia, the Catalan public and the media. The Catalans see one of the most important elements of their cultural and national identity in the Castellers. Nevertheless, to tradition are presented here in the following other aspects of Catalan. The Sardana dance on some occasions, you will likely be circles of dancing people the Sardana, the proud dance by Catalonia saw.

Its origins can be suspect in the graceful dances of ancient Greece. One theory is that the Greeks have introduced the dance in the trading post on the north shore of Catalonia thousands of years ago. Others insist that the Sardana in Catalonia was invented, but beginning in the fifteenth century by Sardinia (by the Catalan occupation) is introduced (hence the name Sardana). In any case, the Sardana was created in its present form in the Catalan Renaissance (19.Jhd: Renaixenca, and it has become a symbol of Catalan identity.) It is an extremely disciplined dance that also exact movements and timing required, therefore the dance creates a spirit of unity, which is really impressive. The Castellers in Barcelona once in the year celebrates its own festival every city in Catalonia.

The streets fill with people who have only to like foreign to the fun part. Many places adhere to the traditions of Castellers. In each region can be the mobility and Admire strength of Castellers let how they build their spectacular human towers.


In the words of the Professor quoted in previous lines ‘ antisocial behaviours, physical changes, and loss of interest in activities that were once his preference, may be a warning about the presence of an addiction, but also, the ideal time to express the boy all the support, solidarity and affection to overcome the problem. Communication between parents and children, as we have already mentioned and the teaching by example, of moral values, represent the surest way to prevent that teenagers will be caught up in drugs. Having the love and support of family is vital not only that do not fall in this problem, but to help them to leave through a rehabilitation process. Features of the family system with high pathological risk of addiction can point out as main features the following: to) vague, confusing and imprecise communication: in the family the generation of guilt among its members is a usual way; also noteworthy are ambiguous, dark and with a degree of imprecision remarkable messages. (b) attitude of mistrust between members: predominantly negative and distrustful interaction in the family. Members give negative messages when communicating (criticism, disqualifications, complaints). (c) fuzzy generational boundaries: the children of these families are often exposed to negative environments due to the existence of diffuse generational limits with frequent competition between parents. Sometimes one parent demand loyalty of the son doing participant in an episode of infidelity with a serious emotional conflict of the parental couple generating in this guilt-laden emotional conflicts.

(d) formation of maladaptive coalitions: family with a tendency to form coalitions to ‘ deal ‘ to another Member. For example when a mother who joins forces with his son against the husband, by placing the child in situation of damage or a mother-in-law son against the wife. e) rigid Control, aggressive or violent: there is no negotiation in the family control.

President Juan Bosch

The President of the dignity network Foundation, engineer Mario Holguin, valued as successful delivery of awards to outstanding personalities of the Dominican sports that have managed to put on high the name of our country in foreign beaches. The activity was organized by the network of sports communities, program that develops the Foundation with sports groups in the same were recognized athletes Felix Diaz, Gabriel Mercedes, Marcos Diaz and the renowned chronicler of Leo Corporan sport. Holguin noted that the entity has as main objective promote healthy sports competition Commitee and recognise as they have done to athletes who carry our flag to the highest levels in the world of sport with his exploits. Our Foundation, without that be devoted to the development and practice of the sport, has become owner of a structure that each year must file a work results continuous integrating numerous sports organizations, whose only desire is to forge good youth for society, as well as recognize the values and achievements of our great athletes, stressed engineer Holguin. He argued that with the prowess awards.

They have the pretension, that as well as the Casandra awards for artists there are in our country, could get to have awards to sporting prowess. However, it is noted that to achieve that this year of the centenary of the birth of the defunct President Juan Bosch is also the birthplace of a new space to recognize the Dominican athletes more prominent in recent years we have worked with enthusiasm and dedication, despite the precariousness and the indifference of some sectors, public and private, clarified Holguin. He pointed out that of the dignity network Foundation currently develops other fundamental thematic axes, through so-called programs:-the Forum of the network, where are discussed interesting topics to generate discussions of opinion. -The network of supportive communities, an instrument of work based on the integration and cohesion of the national communities to route their issues toward a viable solution involving all social sectors. -The network of road safety, through which we promote the implementation of a new system in the Dominican State and in Latin America for the preservation of life, health and property of the users of public roads.
