Tag: education

Project Gutenberg

Do you think it necessary to be able to quickly print using the keyboard in a foreign language (and not just a foreign language)? Of course, the speed of writing is not as important as literacy, but I think that you are not going to argue with the fact that the ability to quickly print, so much so that it does not get tired eyes – a very useful skill. It is useful to you, among other things, when communicating over icq with foreign friends, and indeed, it is better to work quickly and accurately than the slow and qualitatively, is not it? But what to do to while working at the keyboard of our eyes are not tired? There is only one way – print, not looking at the keyboard, and looking only at the text. That is, to print quickly and without tired, we need to learn a foreign language print desyatipaltsevym method! That first and foremost, we need to print in a foreign language, without which the well can not do? This, of course, the keyboard of the foreign language, which we learn. If we study English, everything is simple – we have the keyboard with Russian and English letters. If we learn another language, a bit more complicated – we need to set our language on a computer (using boot disk, etc.). However, what we do, if you set the language on your computer is not possible, and as we know, looks like the keyboard of our language? World Wide Web has resources that can be us help. One of them -.

Here, a lot of languages and keyboards. By using this site you can print using your own keyboard on virtually any foreign language. But we want not just print, but do it quickly and qualitatively, is not it? I developed my own method of training desyatipaltsevym printing method, and it is suitable for almost any foreign language. No program, no fee, no charge for its realization you install on your computer is not required. Skill is developed in stages – within a day or two you can learn to type on the keyboard of your foreign language desyatipaltsevym method with the speed you need.

This method is dedicated to one of the video lessons of my course. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out John Craig Venter. And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Project Gutenberg, a huge pile of books in different languages (but mostly – In English), the possibility of downloading. Wide diversity of literature. Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) rambler.ru

Marketing And Advertising

Market – a structure that is constantly changing, growing, evolving. It meets the demand with the offer, the consumer finds a producer and creator of the service – the customer. How to understand this changing every second the world market? What you need to pay attention to their goods on their service? How to understand what the consumer wants today? How to beat the competition? To find answers to these questions, there are marketing and advertising. Marketing and advertising is not standing still. In today's world there are many types of marketing and a lot of advertising. You may want to visit Mark Hyman, MD to increase your knowledge.

Choosing distance learning over the Internet, you will receive all the necessary luggage for that not enough is important. Experienced teachers are highly share with you what a great role in the timely redistribution of goods and services plays a competent design of the product. It is by design can be reversed consumers' attention to the product. Therefore, distance learning design as part of the marketing will give you the opportunity to purchase an interesting, creative and prestigious professions, through which really can change the world, making its beautiful. Anu Saad will not settle for partial explanations. Design courses – are not the only thing that is offered to you in this area. Marketing and advertising is broader than just a design.

Meet posted here information about the courses and choose what you prefer. Most important in this case – it is understood that the current market without advertising and marketing can not exist. This is his cornerstone. This, in turn, means that people with education in this field will be left without work.

MBA – Rankings And Accreditation

Selecting a program mba – a difficult process. Must take into account your own preferences, to evaluate the prospects and, most importantly – to choose a quality program mba. Often the first contact to the ratings of mba, only then pay attention to Accreditation Programs mba. Rankings of mba programs have begun to gain popularity in the late 80's, primarily as a method of promotion. And now there are so many different ratings programs mba, differing both degree of solidity of the organizer, but most importantly – the methods of collecting and evaluating information gathered by the information and calculation of weights and 'Points'.

As a consequence, we see a significant spread of results in different rankings. Rankings attract attention. But they also confuse the process of choosing schools and programs. Without disputing the importance of the ratings, what obyazatelnosleduet attention first when choosing a school after a rating? Accreditation: availability of accreditation – an indicator of quality of educational school programs. And this process did not start in the late 80's, but much earlier. There are three most authoritative organization in this field: aacsb (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) was established in 1916 and its mission has announced the promotion of quality management education worldwide, currently 554 accredited institution.

amba (Association of MBAs) was founded in 1967 with similar objectives, but is aimed specifically at business school, currently About 150 accredited business schools. equis – European Quality Improvement System – the name speaks for itself: the organization is designed to provide continuously increasing quality of business education in Europe, but as the aacsb and amba, and operates outside of Europe to Currently accredited by slightly more than 100 schools in 31 countries. Accordingly, he Process of accreditation is aimed in the first place to improve the quality of the educational process, including the involvement of qualified teachers in effective teaching methods, quality , as well as support for students. Evaluation criteria for professionals in education and business, and continuously improved. Getting one such accreditation – an achievement and requires efforts to improve the quality of their programs. Getting all three of accreditation – a very big achievement for school. This means that the program mba, for example, meets the highest standards of quality on all continents, without exaggeration, multimode and recognized very attractive companies in the world. Quality of graduates such a program – its a huge advantage for a successful career.

Dale Carnegie

Everyone knows that in many student evaluations depend not only on knowledge of the subject, but also on good relations teacher to the student himself. But what if you do not concurred and argued with the teacher or teacher simply taken a dislike to you. This happens fairly often, especially if the student is a bright person, or the informal leader of the group, he has an opinion and is not afraid to express it. So what do you do if you quarreled with the teachers? The easiest and most effective way to solve the problem – is to apologize to the teacher, ask him not to keep you on the evil and not to use repressive measures. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. If the teacher is an adequate person, then He’ll understand and you.

Do not think that you’re smarter than the teacher. Perhaps you prefer to dress, you are richer father and cooler machine, but you’ll never know more than you is your teacher. A foolish man will not teach in University, and nobody will take it to work. But if the student was fighting with a teacher, then this indicates a great lack of intelligence. If pride does not allow the teacher to apologize, it is possible for him to complain, write complaint to the dean, or even go further and dash off a complaint to the dean of the university. Only benefit from this complaint will not be enough.

You will have to prove what caused the quarrel, and whether you are a teacher biased estimates and negatively relates to you. If you do not agree with the assessment that you put the “biased” teacher, then most likely you will cause to the commission, where you will be able to prove their knowledge, unless, of course, be able to do it. If you are 100 percent sure he is right and do not want to retreat, then you can invite an independent commission, composed of teachers of other universities. Although a clever student, of course, would never agree to such a circumlocution. If you do not quarrel big, then you can just make the teacher or the department little gift – a token of reconciliation. And here you have a conflict with several teachers, then you urgently need to go to a bookstore and buy a book of Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People “and read it every day. I advise the first year follow the golden rule: it is better to be friends with teachers and sleep than to fight, take off from uni and go work as a loader.

Total Communication

This learning of language is separate of the appropriate circumstances of communication, and limits the possibilities of the global development of the deaf child. All the methodologies used in the oralismo coincide for the fact to emphasize that the verbal language is the only desirable form and effective of communication of the deaf person. On this aspect, Lacerda and Mantelatto (apud SANTANA, idem, P. 122) explain that: The conception of language of the oralista boarding is inatista. It is seen as equal a human behavior to any another one, acquired by means of imitation: the child copies the productions of the other taking as proper and speaking.

She has yourself, then, a ready language, that she needs to be appropriate for the beginning ones of the language. Thus, the repetition and the stimulaton are the bases of this boarding. This has as resulted restricted vocabulary and atrelada understanding to the literal meaning. One thus perceives, that the effect of many decades of work in this line had not indicated great successes. Most of the deep deaf people developed one says mechanics socially and, in general, this development is partial and slow in relation to the acquisition of it speaks presented for the listeners, implying a delay of significant global development. Added to this they were on difficulties to the learning of the reading and the writing: delayed, always full of problems, it showed individuals, many times, partially alfabetizados after years of escolarizao (LACERDA, 2000) In the decade of 60, the language of signals became to resurge with the appearance of a new communicative boarding for the education of deaf people – the Total Communication. It can be said that the importance of this conception consisted, initially, in dislocating the verbal language of the center in the education of citizens with deafness, transferred to prioritize it all the same forms of communication of, the independent one of the form as if it would give.
