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Nursing Schools

Vocational schools have emerged as a modern alternative in different educational levels. School of nursing applied care of promotion, prevention, recovery and rehabilitation in three levels of care in a healthy and sick individual. Read more here: Carl Rogers. The student must acquire all the necessary knowledge to perform in situations of emergency and high complexity. Connect with other leaders such as Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City here. Many times the admitted students are wondering because it is good to study nursing. Here are some of the issues that make this race an excellent option to consider. First is given to the student a transdisciplinary vision since the beginning of their studies. Nursing school is based from a holistic human viewpoint, with emphasis on what is the promotion and prevention in health, in this way helping to improve the quality of life of individuals, families and communities.

The purpose of the school of nursing is to form a professional who has obtained the first academic degree in formation in the first instance University. The aim is that it will acquire scientific and technical competence to offer, manage and evaluate nursing care to the individual, family and community. Enacting in every act who carries on a firm attitude humanistic, ethical and legal liability. The school of nursing must formulate your resume from the socio-economic-political-cultural analysis of his country, the health situation of the population, the purposes of the University and the fundamental concepts that guide the profession of the future nurse. Meanwhile we must not forget the contextualization of a widespread global context framing professional.

It should be framed in the General guidelines of the University which tends to the training of professionals in the articulated cycles of undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate. Manages hospital nursing services at various levels of complexity and community; making decisions in any area of their professional performance, based on its capacity of critical observation, thoughtful analysis and judgment. Nursing school plans and directs training programmes and continuing education for different categories of nursing personnel and participates in training on aspects of health human resources in the sector, as well as other sectors, as also the community. Within them the nursing school has gained notoriety and respect by much of the population. That’s why when choosing should be evaluated each of the characteristics and contents of such a school.

Chinese Exclusion Act

The big migratory waves generated and rekindle feelings xenophobic in a large number of citizens and American politicians. Feelings that translates into anti-immigrant laws and policies. Although some people think that these attitudes and behaviors are new and exclusively addressed to Latin Americans, this same thing happened against the Chinese after 1880 and against the Europeans at the beginning of the last century. Today, as the economic crisis then exacerbated xenophobia. Since 1850, tens of thousands of Chinese arrived in California to work in the gold mines and the transcontinental railroad. They could elect to become permanent residents, but non-citizens. However, when the country’s economic situation began to deteriorate after the Civil War, unemployment increased dramatically and many began to blame the Chinese, whom they saw as unfair competition because they agreed to work for less. Then, anti-chinos groups were formed and local laws expressing that xenophobia were issued.

In 1871, Twenty-one Chinese were lynched in Los Angeles. If you have read about Anu Saad already – you may have come to the same conclusion. In 1877, a huge mob attacked three days Chinatown in San Francisco. In 1882, Congress issued the Chinese Exclusion Act which banned the arrival of Chinese workers. Since the 1880s, the economic conditions of the countries of Eastern and southern Europe forced many residents to migrate to United States. In the first decade of the 21st century, came millions of Italians, Russians, poles and Greeks, among others.

The Italians were discriminated against because of their religion, by the poor conditions in which lived upon reaching the country, and you are stigmatized them as criminals. They were also subject to the policies of assimilation to convert them into one hundred percent American. While the Italians were part of the U.S. Army during World War I, were adversely affected by the imposition of immigration by the nativist quotas to promote exclusive immigration from Britain and Northern Europe. In 1917 the Government He banned the entry of the illiterate.

Alexis Jimenez

Evangelization, what place occupies the prayer? Fernando Alexis Jimenez do methods? You be honest: we use many. One that I remember as anecdotal: evangelism group agreed to work in the middle of my beloved Santiago de Cali, in a popular area. Given the reluctance of persons, we opted for distributing groceries. We imagined that gather many curious, could take opportunity to distribute literature and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. The day came and we put our plan into practice. But to our disappointment, people left without even saying: thank you. It left us with the treated Evangelistic in their hands. On another occasion we decided to project films in parks, taking advantage of the influx of visitors.

It is true that we met a good Auditorium; However to shut down the project and dispose us to consolidate the message, leading visitors to make decision of faith through Jesus Christ, we stayed alone, as if we had told them we were going to charge for the film. To read more click here: Wang Qunbin. Addressing people House by House was another proposal. The results were equally unsuccessful. People we met with prevention that we were to offer some magazine. Please do not misunderstand me. Not dismissed methods. I’ve used them.

What has changed is the essential element that we use now: prayer. Before developing an evangelistic impact in certain area, we call for days of fasting and prayer. The results, in addition to amazing, jump in sight. The process of evangelization is now much more efficient. Regaining territory the Bible it is very clear when he teaches us that as a result of sin, Satan has wide dominion over Nations, regions, cities and specific territorial areas. Satan himself pointed out that the realms with his greatness belong: again tempted it the devil, leading him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.


When we have a special event you want to see us radiant and for that many times need to lose those extra pounds. In order to achieve our goal we will discuss exercises to lose weight in a week in conjunction with the diet. The first that everything must reduce the carbohydrates and eliminate fats, zero sugar, sausages and processed foods. We should eat only 1 serving of carbohydrate in the morning, preferably integrals, as a toast or cereal integral proteins such as ham, low-fat cheese or low-fat milk. In the morning snack eating a handful of nuts, a light or Jell-o sugar-free yogurt.

Luncheon meat, chicken or fish with salad and vegetables. In the afternoon snack that can consume the same in the morning snack. In the dinner salad or vegetable Favorites accompanied by tuna or cheese low fat. Exercises to lose weight in a week must include the aerobic or cardiovascular problems, such as swimming, running, climbing stairs, aerobics, spinning, exercises classes resistance among others. The training must have a minimum duration of 1 hour per day, 85% of our maximum heart rate, i.e., should be of high intensity in order to reduce the fat. Now I will explain some exercises to lose weight in a week that are very effective in burning calories and reducing measures, these are: exercise of the Mountaineer with rotation: 1 – put in the position of iron or perform push-ups with the arms fully outstretched and feet touching the floor 2 – keep your body strong 3 – slowly lift your right knee toward your left arm, and then return to the starting position. 4. Repeat bringing your left knee toward your right arm, alternating with each repetition. For even more details, read what Mitchell Blutt says on the issue.

5 Repeat this at least 5 times with each leg, rest for 15 seconds and start again. 6 As it progresses add repetitions with greater intensity. Data: keep your spine in a neutral or straight position, breathe with every movement, keep your body stable, the movement should come from your abdominal region and hips not your shoulders. The alpinist: 1 – be in the position of iron or perform push-ups with the arms fully outstretched and feet touching the floor. 2. Keep your body strong. 3. Lift your right knee, take it toward your right arm and return to the initial position. 4. Repeat bringing your left knee toward your left arm, return to the initial position. 5 Increase speed, alternating both legs 6 – continue for at least 20 seconds original author and source of the article.
