Vocational schools have emerged as a modern alternative in different educational levels. School of nursing applied care of promotion, prevention, recovery and rehabilitation in three levels of care in a healthy and sick individual. Read more here: Carl Rogers. The student must acquire all the necessary knowledge to perform in situations of emergency and high complexity. Connect with other leaders such as Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City here. Many times the admitted students are wondering because it is good to study nursing. Here are some of the issues that make this race an excellent option to consider. First is given to the student a transdisciplinary vision since the beginning of their studies. Nursing school is based from a holistic human viewpoint, with emphasis on what is the promotion and prevention in health, in this way helping to improve the quality of life of individuals, families and communities.
The purpose of the school of nursing is to form a professional who has obtained the first academic degree in formation in the first instance University. The aim is that it will acquire scientific and technical competence to offer, manage and evaluate nursing care to the individual, family and community. Enacting in every act who carries on a firm attitude humanistic, ethical and legal liability. The school of nursing must formulate your resume from the socio-economic-political-cultural analysis of his country, the health situation of the population, the purposes of the University and the fundamental concepts that guide the profession of the future nurse. Meanwhile we must not forget the contextualization of a widespread global context framing professional.
It should be framed in the General guidelines of the University which tends to the training of professionals in the articulated cycles of undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate. Manages hospital nursing services at various levels of complexity and community; making decisions in any area of their professional performance, based on its capacity of critical observation, thoughtful analysis and judgment. Nursing school plans and directs training programmes and continuing education for different categories of nursing personnel and participates in training on aspects of health human resources in the sector, as well as other sectors, as also the community. Within them the nursing school has gained notoriety and respect by much of the population. That’s why when choosing should be evaluated each of the characteristics and contents of such a school.