Because we are all educated in different ways and taught us to take life a certain way, we do know how to behave in different situations, we have a vision problem. The man puts himself in a life priorities. Simply speaking, our individual ideas about life are almost always the only right, logical and fair – but only for us. The problem is just that all men think of themselves the same thing. All around us people, regardless of whether they are relatives or neighbors, just as convinced that their conception of life the most faithful! Therefore, we can certainly say that the people with whom you are related to life, do not understand why you can not or You find it hard to see the world through their eyes and think the same way. Yet, realizing this, most of us are still angry because of what we so often disagree with each other? Why is it so easy to come out of himself, is the loved one express a different point of view or express their disagreement with our position? I think the answer can be very simple: we tend to forget that psychologically each of us lives in his own dimension. Our views on life shaped by factors that are unique to us alone.
For example, my childhood and life experiences do not compare to yours, so that my approach to life is different from yours. The event, which will cause me irritation, you may be quite small – and vice versa. The path to finding inner peace is through understanding that there is nothing wrong with our dissimilarities. Instead of the simple wonder conventional wisdom, it is better to take it as an obvious fact. Rather than be upset about the fact that your spouse does not agree with you, try to say: "Of course, she sees the world differently." Rather than show aggression in response to a disagreement with your opinion, enjoy those rare moments when you meet a complete unanimity.
You can learn to 'agree not agreeing. " This does not mean that your view is on this less important and true, just stop annoying you about what your opinions do not agree. In many cases, you may want to insist on his own, and that's great, but you can do so without prejudice to the right another person to his own opinion. Once you can grasp it, it will be easier to avoid stressful situations and unnecessary disputes. More information is housed here: Kynikos Associates. Most often the person with whom you can not agree, feel our respect and may not be so stubborn in defending their case. In addition, using this strategy in relations with others, you begin to treat with great interest to other opinions, and life will be multifaceted. You learn how to awaken the best in others, and they will tell you the same! In all the winners are. I had the opportunity to verify the effectiveness of this strategy, which helped preserve more than one family unit, friendship and family relationships. It is very simple, but it brings joy and fun into our lives. So, starting today, try not to accept agreement. Your efforts will be worthwhile.