Quality problem is called a problem in physics, in which to cope with the qualitative aspects of physical phenomena. Problem is solved by logical inference, based on the laws of physics. Solution may be by drawing, performing the experiment, but without the use of mathematical operations. Question is for testing theoretical knowledge and qualitative problem fundamentally different from each other. Questions are being asked to check and consolidation of formal knowledge. Answers to questions can be found in finished form in a textbook, reference book, workbook, etc. The student need only to recall them. Situation is quite different to the task.

The answer to her question as a finished product not contains not a single textbook. (For example: why plate lying on the bottom surface of the water, swims, and by lowering it into the water edge of sink?) The student must give an answer to the problem by comparing their knowledge of the situation considered in problem. Application of high-quality experimental tasks to develop their abilities and skills of students in treatment models, with physical devices, facilities, models. Quality problems introduce students to the technique are a means of preparing students for practice, expand their horizons. Decision quality problems is one of the methods polytechnic education. Decision quality problems promotes deep, meaningful understanding of physical laws, the formation of regular physical representations, and thus prevents the formalism of the knowledge students. Quality problems make it necessary to compare, synthesize, analysis, therefore, to think logically. Promotes the development of literate speech with special technical terms.

Develop intelligence, wit, imagination and initiative of students. Develops observation, the ability to apply knowledge of physics in everyday household situations, not just in the office of physics. These problems are of great interest to students, can liven up a lesson and make it more diverse emotional. Allows you to enhance creativity, to diversify the ways and methods of teaching. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Nancy-Ann_DeParle by clicking through. Often, in solving quantitative problems students faced with the problem of mathematical calculations. Often they find it difficult to express the physical quantity from the formula, follow the steps involved and their transformation. This does not allow an objective assessment of knowledge concerning the physics of it. When the solution of qualitative problems no such problems. In physics, there are sections and topics, where the formula is not quite as mean as they study without quality problems is simply not enough. The important role played by quality problems in various types of extracurricular activities: study circles in the physical, physical gatherings, competitions, contests and other decision-quality problems associated with the psychological characteristics of children of school age. And it is dominated by them concrete-figurative thinking. They are easier to deal with anything specific examples clearly represent a specific situation. A quality problem is just related to such specific, well known to students objects and phenomena. We can say that at the beginning of physics teaching quality problems are even greater role than usual we quantified. Find quality problems in mechanics can be on the site. With the solution of tasks you can help here.