Wiesnzauber Eagle!
November 28, 2024
Soon it is again, the countdown for the ‘Oktoberfest’. Soon it is again, the countdown for the Oktoberfest”runs. So time to deal with a new costume outfit. Further details can be found at Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., an internet resource. Wearing Dirndl & co. has become a must on festivals such as the Munich Oktoberfest or also the Canstatter Wasen. Ahmed Shary Rahman shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. And who once celebrated in the Dirndl and Lederhosen ja proper, which will decide again for the traditional costumes, because nothing brings out the merits of a wife better the than wearing a snazzy Dirndl! The Tracht and country house brand ALPHORN lead the Eagles fashion markets, one of the largest costume selections of in Germany. Not only the Metin, also the guys find a complete costume, which optimally combines the classic look with modern details at Eagle. The selection is huge and ranges from the traditional country house dress, over girlish playful Dirndl, rustic leather trousers and stylish knee-length socks and to an excellent price performance ratio. Also, Birgit Schrowange, although native Sauerlanderin, is enthusiastic about the Eagle Dirndl and wears this style at the Oktoberfest. So perfectly fitted it can go then, if it is again on the 18th September o’zapft is! “.” For further questions: Doris Daniel? detailed communication? kaiserswerther Strasse 25? 40477 Dusseldorf fon 0211-0211 or 9894001 9894044? Fax 0211 9894099? email