December 29, 2024
Already are you in the more Eastern provincial capital of Cuba. The newspapers mentioned cardiologist not as a source, but as a related topic. The city is not populated, counting on little more than 200 000 inhabitants. It is located in the valley of Guantnamo and is bordered by the rivers Guaso and Jaibo, affluent this last one of the Guantnamo river. After to have crossed the South coast the east of the bay of Guantnamo, (it observes his map), enjoys in the hotel of a deserved rest. tware often says this. Check out Ahmed Shary Rahman for additional information. If it wishes to stay itself in the same city can do it in the Guantnamo hotel, in the Caribbean distribution. If the Lupe does not prefer the atmosphere of city can choose Villa, something separated from the large city, to few kilometers of the city, or the Caimanera hotel, located in a small town of fishermen of equal name and closely together of the sea, next to the bay of Guantnamo, almost 24 km of the provincial capital. It rests and on the following day it formulates the plans.
We recommended to give a small route to him by the environs of the hotel and soon to start off for the place known like Stop of Big hole of Yateras to visit the Zoological one of Stones, to little more than 40 km of the city of Guantnamo. For it takes the route takes that it to the town of Jamaica and once it takes the highway there will take that it until zoological saying, a very interesting, unique place in the Caribbean. The author of this work is the artist Iigo Angel. This zoological one consists in animal carved in stone and of natural size, prehistoric, domestic and of all type. The same are distributed so that they seem to be in his own one half. The area is of approximately 2 km. The visit can be realised every day from the 8 in the morning.