
North America

Recently announced the support of 500,000 million dollars to shore up the U.S. economy and are by authorizing a support of $700,000 million more. So that you understand the magnitude of the problem, if only we dividieramos $700,000 among the 6,500 thousands of human beings that inhabit the planet would play you to everyone the whopping amount of $107.70 dollars. The point is that this situation is unbalancing the economies of all countries of the world but especially to Europe and other countries that have very close trade relations with North America. The economic problem of the Americans is substantial, it lets us see the great wealth of this country, however is an insignificance compared to the richness that exists in the world.

Investigate on the Internet and the best answer was that there is $9 with 29 million zeros, you question mathematicians and could tell me how he is pronounced so many. The conclusion I came to is that there is such economic wealth, that everyone in the world could have happy lives, the matter is that real wealth comes from the balance achieved between the physical, mental and spiritual that each who should have, however need to have the wisdom of managing the material wealth to spiritual wealth, until that happens the world will continue as. The problem is not of material wealth, the matter is spirituality, feelings, values and knowledge. I think if someone invested that $700,000 million dollars to popularize the culture and values, within a few years would have a world more just and people more wise where happiness, physical health and love would be the common denominator of cultures from around the world. Truth that is nice to dream, watching as an economic problem that can change the lives of many people are conclusions. Turning to the economic problem is the responsibility of everyone that all affects us. For more specific information, check out Jon Medved. There is no problem that is resistant to 8 hours a day of intelligent and productive work.

What we can do is to work twice to earn the same, When things change we will gain the most, we can only endure and work more with this first save our personal economy and contribute to stabilizing the world economy. The power of ideas changes paradigms. His friend and servodor. Ramon Salopwww.ideasejecutivas.