
Quantum Wave Coaching

Liked starting shot for unique seminar series: with the integrated quantum wave coaching & Yoga method new professional perspectives found from autumn 2010 there are special holiday seminars on the island of Sardinia: a newly developed and unique combination of classic coaching and wellness Yoga experience is even new participants and assistance on the way to illuminate your own professional situation and also to change. This seminar is intended for people who are unhappy in their profession, with her career, who want to see no point longer and change this. Often how they can get out of this situation and what potential and desires in them are even hidden is unaware of them,”says Gabriele Schiller, longtime coach and expert cooperation. With this offer receive affected support, to make a change of perspective and take first steps on a new path. Often this means a personal development and realignment of the people.” Da man in quantum wave in focus and whole should be seen as an additional component to this extraordinary holiday workshop, namely Yoga and meditation comes. This part of the holiday week is in the hands of Daniela S.

Sedlaczek, independent yoga teacher with heart and mind. Here it comes to offer easy – suitable even for beginners exercises. The perception of the body – almost like by self – also on the deeper inside of the personality draws attention. In short meditations come the thoughts to rest and sharpen the mind.” This statement is confirmed by the thousand-year old teaching of yoga. Thank very much looking forward to be able to offer this new combination of coaching and yoga.” Actually this is exactly what distinguishes the quantum wave seminar by classical coaching seminars.

Also the venue, Costa Rei on the island of Sardinia, was chosen with care. On the one hand, this stretch of coast with Sun, white sand beach, gives turquoise sea and unspoilt nature in the hinterland necessary for a change of perspective exit from the everyday life and the chance to have time for themselves, on the other hand are exactly these elements deliberately for the work with the participants used. So can for example a dinner to a first approximation of ideas, desires and visions or the Yoga-unit on the beach a long forgotten or previously unknown energy participants feel with breathing exercises. The seminar allows plenty of space and recreational participants also, so that the necessary recovery also not neglected. The Thurgau supported by country and people through personal contacts and profound knowledge and specific evidence for a beautiful and exciting island stay. All people can benefit from our seminar, regardless of age or their social and professional status. A crisis of sense of can affect anyone and be a chance for a new beginning”, Gabriele Schiller is convinced. And if energy, motivation, Perspectives and joy return, each situation can be mastered”added Daniela S. Sedlaczek. The workshop will take place in the period from 16th October 23, 2010 and is the prelude of a loose series of seminars on Sardinia, which should be expanded continuously. This seminar can be booked by closed groups and companies exclusively to individual appointments. More details and updates see you under seminareaufsardinien travel and accommodation will be organized individually by the seminar participants. Help is the long-standing specialist for Sardinia travel and accommodation, Mrs Loredana Casula, which finds the right property with its large range of houses and villas on for all demands and wishes.