July 5, 2012
Beauty, aesthetic and surgeries strong are emphasized in the culture contemporary. The standard of Socially acceptable beauty is taking practises it disorderedly to the people aesthetic as: Compulsory surgeries, plastic and diets, in the attempt to reach the beauty standards taxes for the society. Historically the image is concentrated with the beauty, the health and youth. With this perception of beauty the current image of the body invaded the dimensions that are losing the control. Unsatisfied adolescents, men, women with its ' ' eu' ' they finish not measuring efforts to any cost for the pleasure to have a sarado body. But in the social visibility fashion became to appeal to the surgeries to decide its problems.
Without concern to the inherent risks the plastic surgeries. The body model, today, reverenciado for the society is practically unattachable for the majority of the young. Fact this that this making with that they search, of the night pro harmful day, ways to arrive in this ' ' body ideal' '. The example is the increase of ingestion of drugs that speed up the severe reduction of weight and diets. From there it comes the alimentary upheavals, as bulimia and anorexy. The young is blind and alone they enxergam ' ' body perfeito' ' tax for the media. Many times are in IMC (Index of corporal mass) the normal one and exactly thus find ugly fat people and. The Race for the search of the beauty imposed for the society leads not to be imported with the consequences only aiming at to the beauty, loses limits viciadamente submitting itself it surgery. Our project wants sample the people the perigos and disadvantages of surgeries and this search for the search of the beauty imposed for the society of today.