The Patient
June 22, 2020
A complete and complex formularization allows the planning of a treatment that will have to be presented and to be argued with the patient, in order to get a full agreement and an explicit commitment of enrollment in the process, beyond an obedience commitment the recommendations proposals during its transcorrer. TREATMENT FARMACOLGICO. . The used medications for the treatment of the TOC they are the inhibitors of the recaptao of the serotonina (IRSs). They include tricclico antidepressant clomipramina and fluoxetina, fluvoxamina, paroxetina and sertralina the IRSs selective they are the ones that had shown more effectiveness.
. MANNERING The objectives of the treatment are the reduction of the symptom-target and the learning of strategies to deal with obsessions and compulsory premncias in the future being able this being reached by the intervention under internment or ambulatorial attendance. The treatment starts with the construction of a list contends the ansiognicas situations in hierarchy that allow the handling of the anxiety for gradual approach. The use of a daily one elaborated by the patient, including the situation and the duration of the obsessions and rituals, is very useful in this phase and must servile as a guide for the planning and the evaluation of the progress of the treatment, the mannering treatment, is a drawn out exposition and the prevention of answers. . COGNITIVO The model considers that the correction of the negative evaluation of the obsessions is what reduces the anxiety of the TOC. Although the cognitiva therapy widely is used in the treatment of the depression and of other anxious upheavals in the TOC it meets in development process, not having still been submitted the empirical inquiry; it at the beginning plays an important complementary role and in the ending of the mannering boarding, facilitating the implementation of the treatment and assisting in the prevention of fallen again.