Month: October 2020

Exceptions Capital

ARAG experts explain how with a minimum capital of a euro is possible a business start-up in the form of limited liability society of entrepreneurs. The financial crisis has long since reached the labour market. Experts expect a dramatic rise of in unemployment soon. Many a worker’s playing with the thoughts of its own business. With the mini GmbH exists since 2008, ARAG experts explain a version tailored to small and medium-sized businesses the previous GmbH., as with a minimum capital of a euro is possible a business start-up in the form of limited liability society of entrepreneurs.

Mini GmbH a legal person of mini GmbH is a limited liability on the company’s assets. Therefore a liability of the shareholders is excluded with their personal wealth, with a few exceptions. Because the mini GmbH is a legal person, she can acquire ownership and have a private fortune. Because of this independence is also taxable and can both complain, as also be sued. The rights and obligations of the company are detached from its shareholders and management. ARAG experts point out that a mini GmbH can have only a General Manager differently than the conventional GmbH.

Mini GmbH GmbH at a company with limited liability, the capital is 25,000 euros; the mini GmbH actually only one euro. This is also now the only serious difference. However, the mini GmbH can convert to a limited liability company. She is expert according to ARAG when it has reached a capital of 25,000 euro. The mini GmbH is required each year to make up a quarter of their profit (net income), minus an any loss brought forward from the previous year, in their reserves. The total reserve reaches the capital of 25,000 euros, then she can be converted without a change of name to a limited liability company, with only the addition of legal form changes accordingly. An alternative to the Ltd. The mini GmbH provides founder and Entrepreneurs a very interesting alternative to the GmbH and the other German legal forms dar, mean also the ARAG experts. The capital is very low with at least one euro. The mini GmbH thus provides an alternative to foreign legal forms with low capital, such as for example the limited, where the entrepreneur or entrepreneurs to submit to unknown foreign legislation has. Limitation of liability once the mini GmbH in the commercial register is registered, is the limitation of liability effectively, which means that it is used only the company’s assets, but not the personal assets of the shareholders for liabilities of mini GmbH. The shareholder therefore carry only the risk of losing the deposit agreed in the contract of the company in the event of a crisis. Is the master deposit not yet in full provided or a short-term removal is done by a shareholder, the shareholder must maximum pay the remaining difference or compensate the removal. The above mentioned Exceptions to the limitation of liability are according to the ARAG experts abuse cases, the insolvency abduction or unpaid social and tax payments. In these cases, the Managing Director and also the partner of mini GmbH with the whole private fortune in recourse can be taken.


The support act 1923 formed the State regulations for lower Austria built in 1861 to support the pastures and grazing in lower Austria even after the fall of the monarchy the competence-legal basis for the assignment of administrative matters between the overall state of Austria and the countries. The Affairs of the country culture formed a core competence. This competence article of the old state regulations in 1923 adopted also the support act to support the pastures and grazing in lower Austria, Austria. This development will now be published in the series of LawLeaks. Meadows and pastures as a promotion subject subject of the Affairs of the country culture formed among the Alpine pastures and meadows as an integral part of agriculture in lower Austria, Austria. Already in 1908, and in 1912 relevant laws were adopted in this area in lower Austria, Austria.

In the land law dating back to 1923, the meadows and pastures in turn formed the subject-matter of regulation matter. Pastures and meadows were defined: land which entirely or primarily as meadows or pastures used were indeed; Footprint, which according to its condition and location to the management as meadows or pastures were suitable and could be used as such; Clear-cutting, observation and forestry crops, areas, where the herdenweise grazing of forested areas was usual and appropriate and did not rule out the forest pasture where the forest mode. Bases that were used economics or considerations public from other in the interest for purposes that excluded a grazing, were excluded. Conservation and management of pastures and grazing the meadows and permanent pastures had as such are preserved and cultivated, and were allowed without approval of the agrarian district authority, neither the management be withdrawn or partially or another type of management to be carried. Was a meadow or pasture not or not fully exploited, so accepted were able to get by the agricultural Chamber lower Austria apply for agricultural cooperatives (pasture and livestock cooperatives) to the management. No such association was found the District Chamber of Agriculture of at least 20 business owners, basic tenants and livestock holders could establish such a farm cooperative.

Subsidiary, also the respective municipality for the management of pastures and meadows could promote in case of such a cooperative. The grazing co-operatives as managers of pastures and meadows which were grazing cooperatives to apply for pachtweise assignment to the management of pastures and pastures in the District Chamber of agriculture. Several applicants the District Chamber of agriculture could make a choice, and assign the Alpine pastures and pastures of grazing cooperative, whose need was greatest for pasture. In this context, there were decisions of the agrarian district authority and recourse to the Landesagrarsenat as authority. Grazing cooperatives had statutory business plans submitted, to the approve were. This state law was enforcement of the law and administrative penalties by the district and provincial Chamber of agriculture to understand the agricultural district authorities and the Landesagrarsenat, as well as the provincial government. Fines in the amount of 50,000 up to 10,000,000 kroner or imprisonment of 1 to 14 days could be imposed for violations of the law of this country.

Garcia Ananke

Winners of the poetry prize of the literary magazine Peter Fischer’s poetry “Ananke”, first appeared in may, is already in its second edition. From the Thuringian Suhl, author, who had been awarded the poetry prize of the literary magazine “Betrothed” to the beginning of the year, did so on the narrow path of this specific genre very successfully to assert themselves, after he came out only with individual publications in various journals. Roman Mohlmann, editor in Chief and publisher of the Literaturzitschrift “Taliteratur”, praised in his meeting, fishermen understand the seal “as a powerful and expressive art form in itself”, that beyond the vogue the Zeitgeist is effort to “fundamental and ambitious poetry in modern as classic perfection” and with him find a highly idiosyncratic loft. “As skilled word artist and renowned prize winner mixed fishing motifs of classical mythology with those of modern life and thinking entitled”. Thomas Klatt by the “Lusatian Rundschau”on”Ananke”(2nd Edition, ISBN 978-3-933022-52-3) praised it mountains especially”Sensitive lyrics and wonderful verses”and cited enthusiastically from the”time issues”:” it was not until yesterday, Eheu / Fugaces anni…

that I stroked the glossy buds of yours / towering breasts, your / hair is stirred and the rose, cut / best, drink your water, / sipped Grusiniens tea and a / Tergo me bent the infernal clock / des schilfernden life? ” “Was / it not yesterday?…” Thoma Klatt summed up: “Ananke” was “Almost a zartlichs book between sadness and joy of life placed”. What is special about Fischer’s poetry is skillfully exclusive recourse to language, which he associate knows in cool calculated way with the great thinking of antiquity, without losing the action of the present sight. Just their immediate topicality opposes to the still ongoing to prejudice, the poetry of modernity was therefore the “layman” difficult to understand, inaccessible and anyway hardly ausdeutbar. In “Childhood I” reflects the poet of the early death of his father, who was killed in the last days of the second World War: “the winter seemed long / over.” Long ago, the snow was also to northern slopes already / melted, the blossoms of the cherry / Brown and the cross to moving fountain bitter and yellow. “Because the light abruptly dampened may / pushed me to… the breeze orphans” Peter Fischer so far this compost ion a very distinctive idiosyncratic notation which he knows to follow the route of time and space is long. While he has always “I” endangered one of every individual in a very uncertain modern times as well as in the views such as the “trace of the plow”, but also “shower man hunger” and recognizable continued and insatiably seemingly “greed the tycoons”. The poet, as the author with the novel “The ticket” (3rd Edition 2007, ISBN 978-3-933022-462), which has a youth in the divided Germany on the subject, successful was, fell into the sieve ornamental years in the workings of the Stasi, has been in political detention and ransomed by the Bundesregieurng in 1975.

He worked as an editor in Berlin and Hamburg and now lives as a freelance author in Achim, near Bremen. He is married to the writer Kerstin Fischer (“the greenhouse”, “Sergey shadow”) and is a member in the ‘Literaturhaus Bremen”and the Union of German writers (VS). Dr. Eberhard Garcia

World Heritage

The world is for active people. Probably many desconoceraan this piece of literature well known in Nicaragua and that besides as, reminds us has been declared World Heritage site by UNESCO. He has been written about it, its author is unknown and upon him also exist other so many hypotheses, as that was a cult mestizo tired of taxes, or a priest who had good command of the Spanish and nahuatl. The literary construction of El Gueguense allows a variety of interpretations. For some, el Gueguense is a very hardworking, shrewd and prosperous merchant who does not want to pay taxes to the Government imposed by the Spanish Crown. For others, el Gueguense is a small skillful, rogue trader and conman, who makes use of his thousand tricks to deceive the Spanish authorities that not only manages to avoid the payment of taxes, but also marrying one of his sons with the daughter of the Governor. Comments on this excellent and picturesque work expresses the resistance a village with the invading authorities, and constitutes one of the most important cultural legacies of Nicaraguans, for whom el Gueguense is a worthy representative of its character: mischievous, cunning and rebellious. The work is presented in the streets on some dates by traditional or professional groups, those who interpret the dances and the parliaments apart or together. The characters of el Gueguense or male mouse go dressed as Spaniards, with white masks, eyes blue, bearded and blond, and clothes of bright colours, sequins, layers and high stockings.They are also mestizos, represented with dark whiskers, straw hats, shoes sandals or go barefoot and carry a chischil (rattle) pointed metal.Others go barefoot, wear jackets with sequins and masks of horse, with horsehair mecate and also carry metal chischil; While women do not wear masks and wear long dresses, necklaces and earrings. Concretamemnte it tells us, El Gueguense was born in the city of Diriamba, in the current Department of Carazo.

Oral Heritage

Bystanders like us, who already passed within the time which was granted them to be and to carry out its mission being the testimony of your actions and affections that bequeathed are reminded and celebrated in his day. When referenced in the celebration of this day, which is celebrated on November 2 of each year, in honor of those who already our relatives, friends, finally went through this dimension, among them people who somehow interrelated with us, you cannot pass by unnoticed that there are countries that it is celebrated with much veneration, respect, betrayal, as it is the case of Mexico, as we are reminded of the day of the dead is a Mexican celebration of pre-Hispanic origin that honoring the dead on 2 November, begins November 1, and coincides with Catholic celebrations day of all souls and all saints, considered that as Wikipedia reminds usled ceremony held in Paris, France on November 7, 2003 UNESCO honored the holiday indigenous day of the dead as a masterpiece of Oral Heritage and Intangible of humanity. The distinction by UNESCO that this feast is considered: one of the most relevant representations of Mexico living heritage and the world, and as one of the oldest cultural expressions and greater strength among indigenous groups in the country. Also in the document declaration stands: this annual meeting between the people who celebrate it and their ancestors, plays a social function that remembers the place of the individual in the Group and contributes to the affirmation of the identity emphasis is made on point, and considering that this celebration is not typical of all Mexicans since, despite being a party that has become a national symbol, and as such is taught (for educational purposes) in the schools of the country, there are many families who are more attached to celebrate all Saints Day as they do in other Catholic countries.
