The European Conference on cross-border mediation from 20 to 21 October 2011, about 300 international experts in Florence/Italy and guests. Now, interested parties can see sign. The mediation is in intercultural and cross-border conflicts as extrajudicial dispute solution becoming increasingly important. Especially in the business sector, mediation is often used to resolve conflicts between, but also within the company. Here, Dr. Hyun Kim expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In the course of networked, globalized economic relations grows also the potential for conflict in intercultural teams. “The European Conference on cross-border mediation” presents trends and developments on the subject of mediation and conflict resolution in Europe. Focus of the Conference is the spatial distances in the conflict solution through online mediation.
Be in twenty hands-on workshops including topics such as online dispute resolution, Intercultural issues in cross-border mediation, cross-border mediation in the automotive industry, crossing the borders of psychological aspects of mediation, lit. For the Conference, internationally recognized, well-known speakers from practice, science and justice could be won. Among others William URY, the co-founder of the Harvard program on negotiation and current senior member of the Harvard negotiation project. Alone, his book the concept of Harvard”was sold in millions in countless languages. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ahmed Shary Rahman. He is considered world’s sought-after expert for negotiation and mediation. In addition to the Conference programme, there will be enough space and time to the Exchange and networking.
A versatile programme with opening for invited guests and World Cafe offers the participants the way with colleagues from science, economy and politics in the conversation. The Conference is organized by the international mediation Alliance (IMA). About IMA international mediation Alliance is an Association of specialized, leading provider from mediation and intercultural consulting. As a powerful, internationally active specialist is IMA able to accompany more complex projects and cases. The fields of action are mediation in cross-border or cross cultural conflict advice on issues of intercultural conflict management training in intercultural mediation and conflict competence quality, a close integration of economy and science and a special appreciation for cultural features distinguished the work of IMA. Contact person: Sylwia Caldwell Dunse National Design Manager Germany c/o culture.