Month: January 2024

Study On English –

For decades, study German at universities in other English-speaking countries and complete there in complete studies or only one semester. How long young people with itchy feet abroad can reside, often decides the purse of the parents or the amount of own savings. The tuition fees in Britain or the United States are not comparable with the cost of studies in Germany, namely. Depending on the quality and the reputation of the College ‘Education foreigners’ pay between 6,000 and 20,000 euro per year. However, the fact that the widest range of courses in English language worldwide has the Netherlands, even though English is not the official language of the country is largely unknown in Germany. Additional information is available at Dr Jee Hyun Kim. So, approximately 1300 different English-language study programmes are offered in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Special study in the Netherlands: It is slightly more expensive than the education at a local University citizens, thus also for German, for EU. So the state tuition fee is per year 1565 euros (as of 03-08). And the funding opportunities for students were never as attractive as it is today. After entry into force of the 22 BAfoG amendment on January 1, 2008, now also complete study abroad can be supported by the BAfoG. James S. Chanos may find this interesting as well. One more reason for current high school seniors to check, whether studying in the Netherlands is not an alternative to crowded lecture halls in Germany. One of the largest universities in the Netherlands is Hogeschool Utrecht University of applied sciences (HU), which offers five English-language degree programs without restrictions as a Numerus Clausus.

This fall the degree programmes such as international business & management studies, entrepreneurship for developing areas, international business & economics, international marketing management and international communication & media. Ingmar Volmer, public relations department: “at our university students from about 100 Nations learn. Although the Hogeschool Utrecht educates approximately 34,000 students in 74 bachelor degrees, guaranteed a personal accompaniment and support in small groups. Because just for study in the Netherlands is finally also already known in Germany. Students receive the modern Bachelor’s or master’s degree and are excellently prepared for an international career.” Hogeschool Utrecht organized University of applied sciences an open day on March 29. From 10.00 to 15.00 interested are cordially invited to inform themselves extensively (Padualaan 101, 3584 CH Utrecht).


Do you want to know if low-carb diets do not hurt? Are they hazardous to health? These are burning issues for diets around the world. I’ve personally tried low-carb diets and Atkins diet and these diets made me lose weight very quickly. However, not only do not lose weight body fat, but they also lose muscle weight. He had very marked muscle and fat loss also made you lose muscle. Viisualmente you can see my muscle mass, reduced in the mirror. This is certainly not healthy. On the other hand, that losing muscle mass, worse is losing his toned body shape. The end result is that you will find slim and however close flaccid with pieces of skin hanging.

The frustrating part is that once you des terminate any diet low in carbohydrates, you very probably recover all the weight you’ve lost and even more. This is because the muscles are active and continuously need to burn calories. Since you have less muscle mass now, metabolism your body or the ability to burn calories slows dramatically. In other words, when you get back to the weight, it is putting on the body fat instead of muscles, if you don’t exercise. You will be fatter and less healthy than before to the low-carbohydrate diet. To make things worse, muscle tissue will be more loose and not act as a container and you will notice a drop in their metabolism and therefore calories burned will be less, the result: going to bloat.

Since then I’ve been out of the low-carbohydrate diet and the atkins diets. Both types of diets are almost similar, since they require you to drastically reduce the consumption of carbohydrates. The Atkins diet was a step further, to defend the almost no carbohydrate intake for 2 weeks before gradually adding some carbohydrate in your meals below. Doctors warned that the diet increases the load of protein in the kidneys and alters the balance of acid in the body. This also translates into loss of bones store minerals and affects bone strength. Doctors continued saying, our most important criterion should be indisputable safety and low-carbohydrate diets are currently at the height of this reference point.
