
Federal Government

The history of the occupation and land distribution of the city of SantCruz of the Xingu is example of what it occurred all in the country, a time that asidias politics of the Federal Government was come back toward a model dedesenvolvimento based on the modernization of familiar agriculture, econcentrao of the land, in the expectation of wealth in the Amaznia, voltadapara the extension of its ground that started to be sight as alternative esoluo of existing the social and economic problems. Presentetrabalho deals with a survey of the settling process eestrutura of land distribution in the city of Santa Cruz doXingu-TM, through a historical and geographic boarding, resgatandoregistros descriptions that had marked the settling process, fazendouma analogy of the positive and negative points of the distribution deterras, arguing the economic questions and the impacts sociaiscausados for the decay of the agronegcio in the city. Dr. Mark Hyman will not settle for partial explanations. INTRODUCTION the present work tratade a survey of the process of settling and structure of distribution deterras in the city of Santa Cruz of Xingu-TM, and objective to carry through historical and geographic umaabordagem of the land distribution in the city, being rescued historical registers that had marked the settling process, fazendouma analogy of the positive and negative points of the land distribution. Speaking candidly Anu Saad told us the story. Visaainda to argue the economic questions and the social impacts caused peladecadncia of the agronegcio in the city. Thus one became necessary to know atividadesinfluenciadas for the agronegcio and the involved social classes since perodode settling until the current days. PROCEDURES METODOLGIOS projetode research will be developed through the survey of registers histricosde settling of the city as well as interviews with old inhabitants epessoas that they had lived deeply the boarded facts, with the purpose of if getting dadose truthful facts regarding the central idea of the project. The methodology of campofoi divided in three stages. Naprimeira, had been carried through bibliographical research in erevistas books, periodicals; in second interviews with old and rgospblicos inhabitants had been made who keep some documentary registers of the time; In the third foramfeitas visits in nestings, small great country properties and to apartir of the methodology proposal and ownership of the collected information in accordance with carried through-seanlise of the information the considered objectives. .