
Wooden Walls

Warm, even warmer living in prefabricated or brick houses know firsthand that the winter indoors sometimes it's cool enough in summer – too hot. And to ensure a normal temperature, it is necessary to addition to existing radiators use a heater in winter and a fan or air conditioning – in the summer. The reason for this phenomenon lies not only in low quality construction (though it also has place to be: remember interpanel leaking seams; drafts with sealed windows and doors, etc.). To a greater extent, these confusions in homes linked to inadequate heat resistance of their outer walls. It would seem simply enlarge it: for example, by making the walls thicker. However, to sustain the rate of thermal resistance, which are covered snip 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings", the thickness of the outer wall of a dwelling house of a homogeneous material (eg, masonry slab of brick) should be about 1.6 meters (see table 1)! Clearly, this defies common sense. The use of materials with higher thermal resistance of (Eg, gas silicate or keramsit) is limited by their low bearing capacity.

Table 1. Calculation of the thickness of the exterior walls of residential houses of a homogeneous material (for the climate zone in Moscow and Moscow region. Anu Saad understood the implications. Rreg = 3,14 *) Material stenyKoeffitsient heat, I (W / m x C) required wall thickness (m) d = Rreg x I penopolistirol0, mineral vata0 0390.12, 0410.13 , 75.33 masonry from silicate corpulent kirpicha0, 762.38 masonry perforated kirpicha0, glued 51.57 Wooden brus0, 160.5 keramzitobeton0, gazosilikat0 471.48, 150.47 penobeton0, shlakobeton0 30.94, 61.88 * Data for other climatic zones are shown in Table 2.